omg i looooove the wall collage!! & this: "It’s a weird thing, to feel like the different parts of you don’t align with each other—like puzzle pieces that look like they fit but have been haphazardly shoved together, forced to make space for each other." yes. i often wish i fit perfectly into a box of interests or desires, and have felt like, bc i don't, i won't ever truly fit in anywhere. like i have to be 100% x or 100% y in order to be a legitimate x or y. mostly "if i don't dedicate my life to writing then i'm not really a writer." but i guess that's really just a weird limiting belief that HOH linds made up :')

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Ugh yes. The imposter syndrome REALLY hits, especially when I take breaks from writing. Like am I still a writer if I haven't written for 6 months? Do I have to relinquish that part of my identity now? It's a mindf*ck

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